Health and Safety Policy
This is the Health and Safety Policy Statement of
Grind It UK Environmental Arborists Ltd
Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy, environment, working conditions, equipment, and systems of works in our workplace.It is also our policy to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities. We will ensure safe handling and use of substances. We will also provide such information, training, and supervision, as is needed for this purpose. We also acknowledge responsibility for the health and safety for other people who may be affected by our work and activities.
The allocation for safety matters and the particular arrangements that we will make to implement the policy are set out below. The policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in nature and size. To ensure this, our policy and the way it is operated will be reviewed annually.
Mr C Walton
Date: 3/01/2019
Review Date: 3/01/2020
MrC Walton has overall responsibility as H&S Officer, for health and safety in the Organisation.
He is responsible for ensuring that all matters relating to health and safety are addressed within the Organisation and that the policy is kept up to date and reviewed regularly. He / she is also responsible for the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy, the co-ordination of the undertaking of risk assessments, and the implementation and monitoring of any controls which are imposed as a result of the risk assessments.
He has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that the health and safety policy is put in to practice and that any controls are put in to practice or are carried out.
All employees/sub-contractors have the responsibility to co-operate with the Organisation to achieve a safe and healthy workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others and not to interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety. An employee has a responsibility to let the Health & Safety officer know if there is a matter relating to health and safety that should be brought to their attention for action.
Implementation of Policy The Health & Safety Officer will ensure that all employees/sub-contractors have access to the Health and Safety Policy. Each employee will be given a copy of the general policy on commencement of his or her employment.
Risk Assessments Mr C Walton shall be responsible for undertaking risk assessments as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Risk assessments will be undertaken with all relevant employees, sub-contractors and others who will be present at a place of work. The results of the risk assessments will be recorded in writing, safety procedures decided upon and implemented to ensure adequate levels of health safety and welfare.
Accidents & First Aid Mr C Walton is the trained and appointed First Aider, working in accordance of government regulations as per RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences’) 1995.
First Aid boxes are located in the cab of each work vehicle.
The appointed First Aider is responsible for ensuring that the First Aid Boxes are kept fully stocked and equipped.
All injuries, incidents, and dangerous occurrences at work involving employees or members of the public must be reported and recorded in the Accident Book.
The First Aider keeps the Accident Book.
Major accidents or incidents are to be reported to the Enforcing Authority quickly by phone or fax.These and other specified injuries or incidents must also be reported by submitting a completed F2508 report form to the Authority within ten days of the incidents.
The First Aider is responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority.
Safe Plant and Equipment Mr C Walton is responsible for identifying all equipment / plant needing maintenance.
It will be ensured that all identified maintenance is implemented and that records of any inspection, servicing or maintenance of equipment / plant is recorded and that records are maintained.
Inspections to be made for climbing, lifting and lowering equipment, will be made by appointed inspectors to meet LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) 98 standards. This will be done periodically as needed.
It is ensured that employees are given adequate information, instruction and training in relation to the use of plant / equipment. Records of any information, instruction and training are kept and maintained where necessary.
Safe Handling and Use of Substances Mr C Walton will be responsible for identifying all substances that need a COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) 2002 assessment. It will be ensured that records are kept and maintained where necessary.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Mr C Walton will be responsible for ensuring that, where the need for PPE is identified, that it is suitable for the activity it is required for and that it is suitable for the individual using it.
Driving at Work It is the policy of this Organisation to ensure that staff who are required to drive as part of their work activities are competent to drive.
Mr C Walton will be responsible for ensuring that staff who are required to drive are competent to drive and will keep and maintain records on checks carried out on their driving licenses.
All staff are responsible for ensuring that any car accident is reported.
It is the Organisation’s policy to ensure that an employee using their own vehicle for the purpose of work must also have insurance that covers them for Business Use.
Lone Workers It is the policy of this Organisation that staff who work by themselves without close or direct supervision or those who have to visit other premises, should make sure their colleagues or manager know where they are going and when they will be back and should record their visit in their diary or on the office signboard.
It is the Organisation’s Policy to advise staff who work by themselves without close or direct supervision or those who have to visit other premises, to take a mobile phone with them where practical.
Information, Instruction and Supervision The Health and Safety Law Poster is displayed in the workplace.
Please ask if you require to see the Organisation’s Certificate of Public Liability Insurance.
Supervision of trainees will be undertaken and monitored by Mr C Walton
For further details on specific arboriculture procedure and practice please send a request email to the chris@grindituk.comemail address and you will be sent a list of pdf files relating to the AFAG documents that can also be found on the governmental HSE website
Health and Safety policy - 3rd January 2019 – Version 2
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